there this foreign exchange student coming from spain...?
coming here to canada except i have a friend from argentina that says spain has problems with racism. is he going to fit in here - in canada - where immigrants are all over the place, there are a lot of asians, and latin americans in this area. will he fit in here? or will he be in culture shock that here immigrants are like everyone else.................
Other - Spain - 8 Answers
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1 :
i have a friend that lived in Spain to flee the war in Bosnia.. she never complained about Spain being racist and she was in immigrant in that country. You'll have to see when he gets there. Just because one person says that a country is 'racist' does not mean that there are not open-minded people that still live there. I have several friends from Spain that are definitely not closed off or racist in any way.
2 :
There are problems everywhere with racism. He should be fine.
3 :
dont worry about it. dont judge one person just because you hear something about them from someone from a completely different country. i don't get pissed at ALL canadians just because SOME practice the "sport" of clubbing seals, or ALL white people just because SOME hate blacks for no reason, etc. yaknow :]
4 :
If he's racist send him back. Or lock him in the cellar.
5 :
Hi. I am from Spain. This may surprise you but about 12% of our population are immigrants. Most of them from Latin america, followed by east europeans and people from north center and south of Africa, since we are the nearest european country to Africa. So you see, it cannot be a "culture shock". We have the same problems that you do in Canada with racism. And don't tell me you all live in peace and harmony because that's not true in any country. There always will be some stupid people that feel better than other rest. Your Argentinean friend may have had a bad experience here, but it doesn't mean that the whole country is racist. Exactly where do you get these ideas of spanish people being more racist than any other country?
6 :
People in Spain are NOT racist, any more than any place else. That is crap! He will surely be told to accept what he sees as the local culture and ways...that's what exchange students are all about...and they ARE prepared by the organizations as to what to expect. I have a friend from Spain who lives here...US. No worries.
7 :
I feel sorry for him does he know he's going to a racist trolls house?? Maybe we should warm him
8 :
In Spain we have a lot of immigrants too, and not everybody is a racist.
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