Monday, April 14, 2014
Study Abroad student needs a bank account in SPAIN!?
Study Abroad student needs a bank account in SPAIN!?
I'm studying abroad next year and I need to either open a bank account in spain, (but what bank?) OR get a bank in the US that has a corresponding bank in Spain but which bank has the lowest fees and would you recommend most? I am studying in Granada Spain. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!!! did you also have to pay conversion fees? the fees add up! i am poor
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
That's where I lived! :) You do not need to get a bank account over there. If you use any major bank in the US (like US Bank), you can use the ATM and/or your debit/credit card anywhere in Europe. So, if your mom wants to put some money into your account (go mom!), she can put it in her local US Bank (in your account) and you can withdraw via the ATM. You get charged a 1.50$ fee for each time you withdrawl, so you might as well do a lot at a time. Then keep what cash you need on you, and the rest hide in a sock or something. Everyone takes VISA. Rarely Discover. But cash is by far easier to work with. I used US bank and it worked great!
2 :
Hey can i just ask why your studing in spain and what are you studing? will you not get confused when no one can really understand you? I love spain and i'm studing to become a midwife at the moment and would love to live there when i finish but just afraid no one will understand me lol
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